Class Act:

Jill Witwicki

Nominated by:

James MacLaughlin

Nomination Story:

Jill Witwicki is a three sport captain, and student leader here at Pingree. She plays some of the toughest positions in her sports; field hockey, ice hockey and softball, and is often an all-league all star. Jill, obviously, excels in many areas at school, and is respected by peers and adults alike. Yet, it is  what she does when no when is looking, outside the limelight of school, where she transcends most student-athletes.

Every Sunday, without fail, no matter how tired she may be from schoolwork, hockey, softball, or field hockey, Jill takes charge of a rather difficult young boy with special needs at Little League Challenger Baseball.  Jill does this so quietly; I doubt many of her friends know. 

Jill volunteers for this, every week, with the most challenging boy in the program, because she feels a sense of responsibility and duty. In fact, Jill is almost embarrassed when praised for her service in Little League. For this, Jill is a class act.

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